You know, how sometimes you can be so pleased with yourself? Like when you’ve accomplished something you think you’ve done really well?
Well, I have those moments. Like when I take photos that actually look good after pulling them off the camera.
You know how it feels when your accomplishment pales all of a sudden when discovering someone else has done the same thing only much much better? Well, that’s what happened to me when I looked at this site: [link removed, site doesn’t exist anymore].
It’s not the site itself, which I think looks quite amateuristic, but the pictures. Such good, excellent, brilliant pictures! Yup, I’m jealous. I admit it. Ted Boots manages to take pictures exactly like I wish I did.
Luckily, I don’t feel paralysed by it, but merely inspired — one day I’ll take photos like that, I promise! 😉
One I took last week is already going in the right direction I think: