

IE7 is improving

August 23rd, 2006

Just read this post on the IEBlog, and it seems things are looking up in the IE7 department. They claim to have fixed all the bugs (but one) on Position Is Everything, and a substantial list of other bugs too, including “many relative positioning issues”. I wonder if that would include the “position relative vertical value bug I described.

They also mention the fix of a couple of parser bugs, including this one: _property. If this means that IE7 will ignore that property, just like any other browser, this would give at least one useful method to distinguish between IE6 (which honours the property) and IE7.

:hover on all elements in IE

The best one though, is that now :hover will be supported on all elements, meaning we can all make drop down sub sub sub sub menus without the use of extra scripts! 🙂

Other changes include background-position:fixed on all elements, various CSS2.1 selectors (first-child, adjacent, attribute…) and even some CSS3 selectors. All this, plus proper PNG alpha transparency support.

I think the future may just be brighter than I thought it would be 😉

2 Responses to “IE7 is improving”

  1. "The best one though, is that now :hover will be supported on all elements, meaning we can all make drop down sub sub sub sub menus without the use of extra scripts! :-)"

    Don’t encourage them!

  2. Els says:


    I’m afraid encouragement is not needed whatsoever – they’ll do it anyway, just like they’ve been doing all along using JavaScript :S