

So, what do you think?

June 16th, 2005

Yesterday night I finally changed the last DNS record for I had been developing this new version for at least two weeks now on another server, using the ‘www’ subdomain for testing, redirecting everybody else to the old version.

The initial reason for the change, was that some pages were highly out of date, and some rearranging of pages was necessary. While I was busy figuring out how and what, I thought I could add a blog as well, and well, while I was at it, why not change the look and make it all completely new.

So, that’s what I did 🙂

Some pages were replaced by others (web design and hobbies for instance), and I added a couple of pages to the travel section. You can now read how much fun (not!) it was to walk around the Old City of Jerusalem without a proper map. The HTML and CSS section will be renovated, as I’m planning to gather some of the examples that used to be in the ‘temp’ directory, and give them a proper place on my site.

Please, don’t hesitate to tell me what you think of the new Not that I’ll change it, but you may feel better when you get it off your chest 😉

4 Responses to “So, what do you think?”

  1. Ted Kroiter says:

    I have now forgotten where but some pic of preschool was a broken link. I like to say something critical first in case I sound too nice.

    I think you are very talented and there is much that is useful (website design wise) and a pleasure to see on your site. I thought the fixed background and the way the text scrolled (as well as the nice touch of being able to move the pic left and right) was quite beautiful in the context.

    I liked the nice stories of your kids etc. A friend of mine used to write down funny sayings and stuff from when his kids were young. One of them I recall was a story his daughter, now all grown up, told when about 4 or 5. It went "Mouse… mouse… mouse… Cat!" I wish I had written more down when my own daughter was little…

    And I liked many of your pics especially of the camels! There was one of a small group of people huddled that was very beautiful too.

    Best wishes

  2. Els says:

    Thanks Ted – don’t worry about sounding ‘too nice’ – I like nice 😉

    Those pics from Egypt are only a very small selection of the entire series I shot when I was there, but they were ‘pre-digital’, so I have to scan and edit each single one before I can show them online.

    So many pics – so little time…

    (PS – broken link found and mended – thanks)

  3. Ted says:

    Hi, me again, Els.

    Probably you have chosen the best pics. I know it may seem strange to say, but I think limitations are a necessary condition of excellence. It forces choices and culling.

    One thing so appealing about pics of kids is their size in relation to their surroundings, most human built things are sort of adult-fit things and it is a surprise to see kids in relation to these artefacts. As exaggeration, I am reminded of a TV serial (English) called The Borrowers. It was about a race of little people, a mouse was a bit like a lion to them, that lived in the crevices of houses (often abandoned, but sometimes not) and would forage scraps of food and stuff. getting onto chairs and tables etc was a major feat… I loved looking at them in such surroundings. And get some of the same pleasurable surprise in seeing pics of kids…

  4. John says:

    @Els: I liked the locus meus with pictures a bit more. Maybe I just have to get used to this version.

    @Ted: funny, I saw last Thursday "The Borrowers" as a book in a second hand bookshop. Didn’t buy it though, but I will check soon if they still have it.