

You know you’re spending too much time online…

July 24th, 2006

I’ve heard from several people that one of the signs of spending too much time online, is wanting to click on underlined words in print. Only noticeable of course, if one manages to get away from the screen enough to actually read any printed matter at all.

However, you know you *really* spend too much time using a computer, when you’re doing your paper based administration, you open a binder to force more stuff in, and all the plastic sheets start sliding off the rings, and your first thought (and physical reaction) is “Stop – don’t continue – press CTRL-Z first”….

7 Responses to “You know you’re spending too much time online…”

  1. Dylan Parry says:

    I quite like the idea of being able to Zip particularly large files so that they take us less space in the drawer 😉

  2. Els says:

    Oh, but that one’s actually doable IRL. I’ve seen them advertising these large plastic bags on TellSell – you just stuff ’em and then suck all the air out with the vacuumcleaner 🙂

  3. Charles Sweeney says:

    Hi Els! I just love your blog and visit every day!

    Sometimes I read something on paper and want to cut and paste it!

    Can’t wait for the next article!

  4. Els says:

    Visit every day?? Even when I don’t write anything? I guess I better think up stuff more often then 🙂

    About the cut and paste – you know you could use a pair of scissors and some glue, right? 😉

  5. Dylan Parry says:

    And a photocopier, along with scissors and glue, works wonders for those "copy n’ paste" operations you feel you must carry out!

  6. Charles Sweeney says:

    Not forgetting a highlighter pen!

  7. canadafred says:

    Hi Els

    Saw your blog earlier this morning. It has been a very long day but made a note to come back before going to bed in order to read a couple of your articles.

    As the other commentators have already expressed, I too have very much have enjoyed my short visit to your blog.

    This particular article reminded me of something in my life and I thought it appropriate to share with you and your web visitors.

    My grandmother gave me a calendar a couple of years before she passed away. She was 86 years old when she left us. She grew up in Glasgow Scotland mostly, immigrating to Canada with her parents after the Second World War. The world was a mess back then but was a much simpler place.

    When she gave me the gift she said something to the effect "You mustn’t forget to get next year’s calendar in September." That’s all she said about it. I thought she meant: before they run out of calendars. For years I never thought of it again. I had long since discarded the memory of the calendar.

    Last summer, while visiting my mom, I was looking in her basement boxes for something I thought I had put there previously and there was the calendar at the bottom of one of the boxes. I recognized it instantly. My grandmother had given me the calendar in 1979. When I examined it more thoroughly I was amazed to see tons of stuff I had written myself in it about my day to day activities and friends. What a glorious find coming from something I long ago discarded. It is my only childhood diary and I cherish it so.

    It has new meaning of course. This is many years later, I’m practically an old man myself, well, I am one year older than you. That’s not exactly old but I certainly don’t jump out of bed in the morning as quick as I used to.

    This whole incident inspired me to find out about my grandmother’s old world heritage in Europe. Her legacy is part of mine. I accidentally discovered the meaning of her words while researching a historic labour union web site. Printers throughout Europe would sell calendars at a reduced rate to early shoppers. They would sell them more expensively as the new year approached. When the demand for calendars was low, their prices were low, when the demand went up, so did the prices. A wise and early calendar shopper could save a penny. This still applies today when shopping for calendars! I have tested this theory.

    I don’t need a calendar in my life but always like to have one near me anyway now.

    Talk soon
    Fred from A.I.S.E.