

Marks & Spencer broaden their market

April 21st, 2009

Yesterday I was in Liverpool, and took this photo of the entrance of the large Marks & Spencer store:

Marks & Spencer Liverpool

See the woman with the child? You’d think she just came out of the store after shopping for clothes or something. Well, these days you can never be sure of anything — what if she just bought that child? Unlikely you say? Look at what I saw at the top of the escalator on the 1st floor inside the store:

new stock at Marks & Spencer's ?

As I said — you can never be sure of anything these days!

3 Responses to “Marks & Spencer broaden their market”

  1. Martine says:

    ROFL!!! 🙂

  2. Chile Travel says:

    This broke my leg. Literally.

  3. Hahahahaha. Well, maybe the kids that make their clothes were a little expensive to feed, so…

    Hahahaha, that was cruel. Sorry.